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WordPress & WooCommerce Scraper Plugin, Import Data with 1-Click Version 1.0.3

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Import Data Quickly with WordPress Scraper in a Single Click!

Importing data from various websites has become simpler than ever with The WordPress scraper plugin. With just one click, it smoothly extracts data from other websites, making the whole process simpler and free from unnecessary complications.

  • Scrap and Import single product or variable product from any store
  • Data can be imported using attributes such as name, price, content, and image
  • Scrap a Single Post from any WordPress website & add it to your website

What's included

  • Quality checked by Envato
  • Future updates


  • 6 months of support from extendons

Details and Compatibility

Version:Version 1.0.3
Last update: Version History
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Powerful Features!

The WordPress Scraper Plugin effortlessly extracts products, categories, or other useful information from external websites and seamlessly integrates it into your store. Whether you need to transfer a single post or multiple posts from any WordPress site, simply provide the plugin with the link, and it will handle the rest.
Moreover, the plugin will generate a comprehensive list of all the products on the specified site, granting you the flexibility to choose specific items or opt to scrape them all with a single click. This versatile plugin can gather a wide array of data, including product names, prices, descriptions, images, and more.

Import Entire Shop or Category from WooCommerce e-Store

Scraps Products from any Online Store

Download WordPress & WooCommerce Scraper Plugin

Import Products from Any eCommerce Store

The WooCommerce Scraper plugin simplifies acquiring product data from any WooCommerce website and integrating it into your store. It imports essential product information such as the product name, price, image, and content.

Import an Entire Shop or a single category!

WooCommerce product scraper assists eCommerce store owners in getting data from either a single product category or an entire online store. You can choose a particular category or entire shop with a simple click.

Import Post from Any WordPress Site!

Utilizing WordPress Scraper, you can easily extract a blog post from any website and incorporate it into your own site. It captures all the content, including the title, text, and images.

Import Products from Custom Websites

Product scraper for WooCommerce enables you to import products from custom websites effortlessly. You can input the product ID classes with their links to duplicate data..

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