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How to Sell Product Bundles with WooCommerce

How to Sell Product Bundles with WooCommerce

Using product bundles is a wise move, much like exploring other tried-and-tested sales approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness on a global scale over the years.

This article delves into the realm of WooCommerce product bundles, commonly known as product bundles. It delves into the perks they offer to online stores and provides insights on seamlessly integrating this feature into WordPress through a user-friendly plugin.

To set the stage, let’s start by understanding the concept of bundles.

What are product bundles?

A “bundle” typically refers to a package deal comprising various items, a strategy frequently employed by businesses such as Humble Bundle. This platform specializes in offering users cost-effective packages containing an array of digital resources, spanning from video games and programming tools to editing software.

It’s worth emphasizing that not all products are suitable for bundling, a point we’ll explore shortly. Nevertheless, the bundle approach proves to be remarkably adaptable and applicable across diverse types of stores.

Diverse manifestations of bundling exist. In some instances, the items bundled together are exclusive to that particular package. Conversely, there are scenarios where these items can be individually purchased, although opting for the bundle generally proves to be a more economical choice.

Now, the question arises: Why should your eCommerce store consider incorporating bundles?

Advantages of adding bundles to your WooCommerce store

Unlocking the potential of product bundles opens up a realm of opportunities to enhance sales dynamics, elevate Average Order Value (AOV), and seamlessly implement strategic marketing and sales maneuvers with just a single click.

Consider the art of cross-selling, a pivotal technique where enticing a customer to purchase more than one product becomes the goal. The beauty of bundles lies in their ability to effortlessly facilitate this process. Let’s delve into tangible scenarios within the realms of video games and photography to illustrate this concept.

Take Mary, for instance, on a quest to find the latest gaming console for her son. Her initial focus is solely on the console itself. Unbeknownst to her, the gaming experience her son craves entails controllers, video games, and various accessories.

Now, envision the potential outcomes:

  • Mary realizes the need for additional items and returns to your online store for the complete set.
  • Mary grasps the necessity but opts for another store to fulfill the entire gaming ensemble.

In two of these scenarios, a substantial portion of the potential order value slips away. Remember, a sale secured is more reliable than a potential one, as future deals come with inherent risks.

Imagine offering a bundle containing all the essentials for Mary’s son to fully relish the gaming console. This not only secures the initial purchase but elevates its value through strategic cross-selling.

Now, let’s shift the spotlight to Paul, an aspiring photographer. Entranced by camera models, he overlooks crucial accessories, leading to a delayed purchase decision—a Schrödinger sale, poised between success and failure.

A savvy seller, anticipating this, assembles a bundle encompassing vital camera accessories—case, batteries, memory card, extra lens, and more.

While customers could individually hunt for each item, there’s a chance they might overlook accessories or grow weary during the process. Bundling streamlines this, recognizing that online shoppers spend a brief window on eCommerce pages—typically 44 seconds to one minute and 22 seconds. Being helpful and possibly offering a small discount enhances the allure of this convenient offer.

Beyond boosting AOV and sales, bundles emerge as an excellent vehicle to spotlight lesser-known products. By aligning them with highly sought-after items, you indirectly elevate their visibility and, consequently, their sales.

How to choose the right products for the bundle

Now that we’ve acknowledged the perks of bundling, the next step is figuring out how to strategically choose which products to bundle together. It’s crucial to identify products that naturally complement each other. Beyond the examples we’ve covered, let’s explore some diverse bundling possibilities:

  1. Organic Food & Delights: Take a page from the playbook of online organic goods leader HelloFresh. They’ve mastered the art of bundling by allowing customers to curate their bundles. With the flexibility to choose specific products and the option to set up a recurring plan based on the number of people and recipes per week, HelloFresh has set a prime example in the organic food and product market.
  2. Inspiration from Customer Choices: While certain platforms like Amazon and Reebok might not explicitly offer bundle options, they leverage customer behavior to inspire new ideas. By showcasing items that customers frequently purchase together, these platforms offer valuable insights. Even if you’re planning to create bundles, examining what is commonly bought together on these platforms can guide you in crafting your unique product combinations.
  3. Themed Bundles for Personalized Appeal: Take a cue from Humble Bundle, a notable example in the video game industry. They categorize their bundles based on game genres, providing customers with options like adventure bundles, action bundles, and role-playing bundles. This concept can be extended to different product categories. For instance, if your focus is on children’s items, consider crafting themed bundles such as a “Frog” bundle featuring various frog-related items like picture books, baby bottles, and clothing. By tailoring your offerings to specific interests or themes, you enhance the appeal for customers seeking a personalized experience.
  4. Leveraging eCommerce Analytics: Don’t overlook the treasure trove of insights available through your own online shop’s analytics. It’s a powerful resource that can guide you in understanding customer preferences, popular product combinations, and buying patterns. Make the most of this data to inform your bundling strategies and refine your product offerings for maximum customer satisfaction.

The key to successful bundling lies in understanding your customers, identifying products that harmonize well together, and utilizing data-driven insights from your eCommerce analytics. By adopting a thoughtful approach, you can create enticing bundles that resonate with your target audience and drive sales.

How to create product bundles with WooCommerce?

Exploring the key components of a product bundle, let’s delve into the process of crafting one through WooCommerce. Despite its plethora of features, it’s worth noting that this platform lacks a native bundle feature.

While there are products grouped, it’s essential to recognize that they might not be entirely identical (we’ll delve into the nuances of bundled versus grouped products shortly).

The bright side of the situation is that rectifying this absence is a breeze with the integration of a plugin into WooCommerce. While numerous options exist online, we’ve handpicked the prime choice for this guide.

Best plugin for WooCommerce product bundles

The plugin we are going to use in this article is WooCommerce Custom Product Boxes.
You can get the plugin for free or upgrade to the premium version, which has additional features like the support of simple and variable products. And it’s really easy to use!

Plugin Installation and Configuration

  1. After downloading the WooCommerce custom product boxes from WooCommerce go within the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Then navigate to the Plugins section and click on Add New.
  3. Choose the option to Upload, and then select the ZIP file you recently obtained.
  4. Proceed by clicking on Install Now, and Activate the Plugin.

To get your extension up and running, head over to WooCommerce > Settings within your WordPress admin panel. Once there, you’ll find the Custom Boxes tab, where the magic happens.

Within this tab, you’re in control of some fundamental settings. Customize the layout of your unique product boxes – choose between the detailed and compressed options, each ready to grace your product page. Feel the power as you toggle between the Grid and List view styles. And, if you opt for the detailed view, watch as the product’s short description elegantly makes its appearance. It’s your canvas; paint it with the settings that suit your style.

However, this plugin offers many customization options like changing the background color of WooCommerce custom product boxes to align them with your website theme. You can customize the text of the add-to-cart button and the header of the mix-and-match product boxes. Along with that display customized messages when the box is full or the customer doesn’t meet the requirements.

Tips to sell WooCommerce product bundles

Once you grasp how to make a bundle with WooCommerce Product Bundles, remember these tips to get the most out of it:

  1. Avoid random bundles – Use bundles wisely to boost sales. Ensure your bundle has a clear theme that matches customer interests. For example, if it’s an Apple bundle, stick to accessories designed for their smartphones. Mixing in a Samsung case would be confusing and might deter buyers.
  2. Use popular combinations – Take advantage of WooCommerce insights and plugins like WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together to highlight products often purchased together. It’s a great way for cross-selling.
  3. Price matters – Bundles should be cheaper than buying items separately. This discount is a powerful way to promote the bundled product. Plan your bundle pricing in line with your profit margin.
  4. Sell items individually – Unless they are unique, avoid selling products exclusively in bundles. Nintendo tried this and saw a drop in sales. For instance, PlayStation often has bundled with a popular game, but the game and console can also be bought separately.

Remember, there are more strategies to discover, but you’ll pick them up naturally as you use the plugin. Bundles have potential but create them thoughtfully. Keep them clear and cost-effective, and let customers do the rest.

How to Sell Product Bundles with WooCommerce